About Us
Family Business
Nuala’s Bar & Restaurant provides a friendly & warm environment where visitors to the area can mingle with the locals and enjoy and soak up all that is good in the social life in Ireland.
This family business, now known as Nuala’s Bar & Restaurant was originally established in 1850, as McCormacs. It was first run by Patsy McCormac who later handed it down to his only daughter Bridget. Known locally as Baba, Bridget later married John Durack after which the pub became known as Duracks. Baba ran the pub until 1997 when she retired.

It is now run by Nuala O Brien. It has only had three different licensees in one hundred and sixty five years, a rare occurrence in pubs in Ireland.
Gourmet Chef
The food trade was established in 1999 and quickly grew. The new kitchen, cold rooms and staff facilities were built on in 2000 and since then the food trade has grown from strength to strength. It has now got a very strong reputation for very good quality food and friendly service.
The quality and taste of our Irish beef is widely praised as the best in the country and the restaurant and pub have won awards for quality. While quality of the product we sell is very high priority to us we pride ourselves on the warmth of our welcome. It is of great importance to us that each and every visitor coming in the door gets a good old fashioned Irish welcome and is made to feel at home.
Rural Ireland has been hit very hard over the last 20 years and we work hard to continue to provide a venue for socialisation in our very special village of Tuamgraney.
Despite changing times, the Irish pub still remains central to our culture, as a meeting place. In earlier times our pub was more commonly frequented by men, travelling from “Fair Day” or for a game of 45 by night. Today as a spacious bar and family restaurant it facilitates parties, special occasions and even the odd wedding!
The topic of conversation may have changed from the price on “Fair Day” to the Wifi code but the heart of our business remains the same. Essentially, Nuala’s Bar & Restaurant is a place where friends and strangers alike can relax, chat and leave their cares outside the door.